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姓 名 刘欢 性 别
职 称 副教授 毕业学校 太阳成集团tyc7111cc
联系方式 太阳成集团tyc7111cc 太阳成集团tyc7111cc
邮 箱 huanliu@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 太阳成集团tyc7111cc清洁能源大楼
刘欢,副教授,博士生导师。研究方向主要为:(1) 高水分有机固废能源化;(2) 能源装备腐蚀防护;(3) 新能源系统智能算法与大数据模型;(4) 碳排放核算与生命周期评价。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、国家重点研发计划子任务、湖北省技术创新专项重大项目、湖北省技术创新专项重大项目课题、深圳市可持续发展科技专项(双碳专项)技术攻关及示范项目课题、深圳市技术攻关面上项目课题、数个百万级企业技术研发项目等。以第一及通讯作者身份在P Combust Inst、Fuel、Environ Sci Technol、Water Res、Corros Sci、Chem. Eng. J. 等能源、环境、材料SCI Top期刊上发表论文40余篇(含Environ. Sci. Technol./Energ. Fuel封面论文及ESI高被引论文),H指数33。授权第一发明人发明专利十余件。荣获Distinguished paper for International Symposium(国际燃烧会议杰出论文奖)、广东省技术发明一等奖、湖北省科技进步一等奖、太阳成集团tyc7111cc2016年度科技新星等。多次指导研究生获得国家奖学金,指导本科生团队获得国家级、省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目资助,并荣获全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛特等奖(2次)/一等奖/二等奖、全国大学生可再生能源优秀科技作品竞赛一等奖、东元Green Tech国际创意竞赛人文奖等。承担《生物质能源利用原理与技术》(本科专业课)、《固体废弃物能源利用原理与技术》(本科专业课)、《生物质清洁综合利用原理与技术》(研究生专业课)、《Wind Energy Fundamentals》(中欧能源学院研究生专业课)等课程的教学工作,获全国能源动力类专业教学改革研讨会优秀论文。



    2009/09-2012/03 太阳成集团tyc7111cc,环境工程,硕士
    2011/09-2014/12 太阳成集团tyc7111cc,热能工程,博士
    2015/01-2016/10 太阳成集团tyc7111cc,讲师
    2016/11-至今 太阳成集团tyc7111cc,副教授




    2.深圳市可持续发展科技专项(双碳专项)技术攻关及示范项目课题:双碳专2023028 市政污泥就地深度减量及制备资源化产品技术研发与应用示范,项目编号:KCXST20221021111406014,主持
    5.深圳市技术攻关面上项目课题:重 2022247 涂装工业挥发性有机污染物治理关键技术研发,项目编号:JSGG20210802154804013,主持
    7.企业技术研发项目:环境温湿度对生产过程含水率的影响研究,2022.01-2022.12,项目编号 2021JCXX3WH2B083, 主持


    1.Hang Hu, Huan Liu*, Han Xiao, Minghao Jin, Zhaowei Huang, Hong Yao. Assisting role of carbonaceous skeleton in sludge thermal hydrolysis and press filtration. Chemosphere, 2024, 352: 141501.
    2.Haiyan Li, Huan Liu*, Yining Huang, Xiang Chen, Xiuju Zhang, Jianquan Li, Lejin Xu, Hong Yao. Mechanism of coupling corrosion caused by flue gas and deposits in municipal solid waste incinerator: Roles of H2O(g), HCl, and SO2. Corrosion Science, 2024,231:111933
    1.Haiyan Li, Huan Liu*, Mingwen Bai*, Xiuju Zhang, Hetian Chi, Tongzhou Chen, Yun Yu, Hong Yao. Insight into the corrosion resistance of Mo-added NiCrBSi coating in simulated waste incineration environment. Corrosion Science, 2023,216:111085
    2.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Haiyan Li, Zifeng Huang, Yun Yu, Hong Yao. Mechanism of coupling corrosion caused by flue gas and deposits in municipal solid waste incinerator: Resistance of HVOF-NiCr coating. Fuel, 2023, 342: 127845
    3.Qiaoyan Zhou, Huan Liu*, Yipeng Wang, Kangxin Xiao, Guangyan Yang, Hong Yao. Synthesis of porous carbon from orange peel waste for effective volatile organic compounds adsorption: Role of typical components. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2023: 1-12
    4.Minghao Jin, Huan Liu*, Hongping Deng, Han Xiao, Shuai Liu, Hong Yao. Dissociation and removal of alkali and alkaline earth metals from sewage sludge flocs during separate and assisted thermal hydrolysis. Water Research, 2023, 229:119409.
    5.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Guangyan Yang, Yipeng Wang, Hong Yao. Comprehensive insights into the application strategy of kitchen waste derived hydrochar: Random forest-based modelling. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023: 143840.
    1.Minghao Jin, Huan Liu*, Hongping Deng, Han Xiao, Geng Lu, Hong Yao. Arsenic chemistry in municipal sewage sludge dewatering, thermal drying, and steam gasification: Effects of Fenton-CaO conditioning. Water Research, 2022, 213:118140.
    2.Han Xiao, Huan Liu*, Minghao Jin, Hongping Deng, Jiaxing Wang, Hong Yao. Process control for improving dewatering performance of sewage sludge based on carbonaceous skeleton-assisted thermal hydrolysis. Chemosphere, 2022, 296:134006
    3.Guangyan Yang, Huan Liu*, Yang Li, Qiaoyan Zhou, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao. Kinetics of hydrothermal carbonization of kitchen waste based on multi-component reaction mechanism. Fuel, 2022, 324:124693
    4.Hongping Deng, Huan Liu*, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao. Phosphorus transformation during the carbonaceous skeleton assisted thermal hydrolysis of sludge. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 827:154252
    5.李海燕,刘欢*,王阁义,张秀菊,陈同舟,俞云,姚洪. 锅炉受热面的冲蚀磨损与防护综述.中国腐蚀与防护学报, 已录用
    1.Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Ben Huang, Yongda Huang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. Correlations between vapor-phase Na/K/As adsorption capacities of kaolinite and temperature-dependent derivation of its Al-containing groups. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5237-5247.
    2.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Haiyan Li, Geyi Wang, Yangwei Wu, Hong Yao*. Alleviation of thermal corrosion caused by molten ash on heat-exchange tubes in MSW incinerators: Effects of Ni-, Co-, Fe-based HVOF coatings. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5453-5461.
    3.Geyi Wang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Xiuju Zhang, Haiyan Li, Yun Yu, Hong Yao. Comparative investigation on thermal corrosion of alloy coatings in simulated waste incinerator environment. Corrosion Science, 2021, 189: 109592.
    4.Bing Song, Kaiping Yuan, Yuexing Wei, Dandan Chen, Fanyue Meng, Qi Cao, Min Song*, Huan Liu*. In-Furnace control of arsenic vapor emissions using Fe2O3 microspheres with good sintering resistance. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(13):8613-8621.
    5.李海燕, 刘欢*, 张秀菊, 王阁义, 周巧燕, 陈同舟, 姚洪. HVOF喷涂用于提高锅炉换热面耐磨损耐腐蚀性能综述. 化工学报, 2021, 72(4):1833-1846
    1.Kangxin Xiao, Huan Liu*, Yang Li, Guangyan Yang, Yijie Wang, Hong Yao. Excellent performance of porous carbon from urea-assisted hydrochar of orange peel for toluene and iodine adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020(382): 122997.
    2.Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Meiyong Li, Gaozhi Man, Hong Yao. Prevention of CaO deactivation using organic calcium precursor during multicyclic catalytic upgrading of bio-oil. Fuel, 2020, 271, 117692.
    3.Jiaxing Wang, Huan Liu*, Hongping Deng, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao. Deep dewatering of sewage sludge and simultaneous preparation of derived fuel via carbonaceous skeleton-aided thermal hydrolysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020(402): 126255.
    4.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Tongzhou Chen, Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li, Hongyun Hu, Yun Yu, HongYao. Application of coatings to alleviate fireside corrosion on heat transfer tubes during the combustion of low-grade solid fuels: A review. Energy&Fuels, 2020, 34(10): 11752-11770.
    5.Yang Li, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Minghao Jin, Han Xiao, Hong Yao. Combustion and Pyrolysis Characteristics of Hydrochar Prepared by Hydrothermal Carbonization of Typical Food Waste: Influence of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Lipids. Energy&Fuels, 2020, 34: 430-439
    1.Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Sihan Li, Meiyong Li, Geyi Wang, Gaozhi Man, Hong Yao. Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass wastes over Org-CaO/Nano-ZSM-5 to produce aromatics: Influence of catalyst properties. Bioresource Technology, 2019(294): 122186.
    2.Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Yongda Huang, Haiyan Li, Ben Huang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. In-Furnace Control of Arsenic Vapor Emissions Using Kaolinite during Low-Rank Coal Combustion: Influence of Gaseous Sodium Compounds. Environmental Science&Technology, 2019, 53, 12113-12120.
    3.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing , Geyi Wang, Haiyan Li ,Kangxin Xiao, Wang Liu, Yun Yu, Hong Yao. Investigation of potassium vapor time-resolved adsorption and potassium-sodium competitive adsorption by modified kaolinite. Fuel, 2019,258:116124.
    4.Geng Lu, Huan Liu*, Qiang Zhang, Jiaxing Wang, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. Nitrogen conversion during the homogeneous and heterogeneous stages of sludge steam gasification: Synergistic effects of Fenton's reagent and CaO conditioner, Fuel, 2019, 241: 1109-1116  
    5.Haoxuan Xing, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Hongping Deng, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. Enhanced sodium adsorption capacity of kaolinite using a combined method of thermal pre-activation and intercalation-exfoliation: Alleviating the problems of slagging and fouling during the combustion of Zhundong coal, Fuel, 2019, 239: 312-319  
    6.Kexin Yi, Huan Liu*, Jiaxing Wang, Geng Lu, Minghao Jin, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao. The adsorption and transformation of SO2, H2S and NH3 by using sludge gasification ash: Effects of Fenton oxidation and CaO pre-conditioning, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 360: 1498-1508  
    7.Yang Li, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Xiang Liu, Hongyun Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Correlations between the physicochemical properties of hydrochar and specific components of waste lettuce: Influence of moisture, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 272, 482–488.  
    8.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Geyi Wang, Hongping Deng, Hongyun Hu, Xian Li, Hong Yao. Correlations between the sodium adsorption capacity and the thermal behavior of modified kaolinite during the combustion of Zhundong coal, Fuel 2019, 237: 170-177  
    9.Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Kangxin Xiao, Geyi Wang, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. In situ upgrading of bio-oil via CaO catalyst derived from organic precursors, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37: 3119-3126  
    1.Kangxin Xiao, Huan Liu*, Yang Li, Linlin Yi, Xiuju Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. Correlations between hydrochar properties and chemical constitution of orange peel waste during hydrothermal carbonization, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 265, 432–436.  
    2.李海燕, 刘欢*, 汪家兴, 金明灏, 邓红苹, 卢更, 张秀菊, 姚洪. 基于化学改性的脱水污泥低温热风干化特性. 化工学报, 2018, 69(7): 3257-3262.
    1.Huan Liu, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Kai Xu, Qiang Zhang, Geng Lu, Hong Yao*. Emission control of NOx precursors during sewage sludge pyrolysis using an integrated pretreatment of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning. Fuel, 2017, 195, 208–216.  
    2.Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Geng Lu, Jiaxing Wang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Effect of Fe/Ca-based composite conditioners on syngas production during different sludge gasification stages: devolatilization, homogeneous reforming and heterogeneous catalyzing. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(49), 29150-29158.  
    3.Linlin Yi, Huan Liu*, Geng Lu, Qiang Zhang, Jiaxing Wang, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. Effect of Mixed Fe/Ca Additives on Nitrogen Transformation during Protein and Amino Acid Pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31, 9484−9490.  
    4.Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu*, Xiuju Zhang, Haoxuan Xing, Hongyun Hu, Hong Yao*. Novel utilization of conditioner CaO for gas pollutants control during co-combustion of sludge and coal. Fuel, 2017, 206, 541-545.  
    5.Xiuju Zhang, Huan Liu*, Haoxuan Xing, Haiyan Li, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Improved sodium adsorption by modified kaolinite at high temperature using intercalation-exfoliation method. Fuel, 2017, 191, 198–203.  
    6.Qiang Zhang, Huan Liu∗, Geng Lu, Linlin Yi, Hongyun Hu, Hetian Chi, Hong Yao∗. Mechanism of conditioner CaO on NOx precursors evolution during sludge steam gasifcation. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36, 4003–4010.  
    7.汪家兴,刘欢*,刘鹏,张强,卢更,胡红云,姚洪.深度脱水污泥的热干化特性.化工学报, 2017, 68(6): 2491-2500.
    8.卢更,刘欢*,胡红云,张强,易琳琳,姚洪.氧化钙调理污泥气化过程中重金属的迁移转化规律.化工学报, 2017, 68(1): 272-280.
    1.Huan Liu, Linlin Yi, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Geng Lu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Co-production of clean syngas and ash adsorbent during sewage sludge gasification: Synergistic effect of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning. Applied Energy, 2016, 179, 1062-1068.  
    1.Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Haoxuan Xing, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Product distribution and sulfur behavior in sewage sludge pyrolysis: Synergistic effect of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning. Fuel, 2015, 159, 68-75.  
    2.Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Peng Liu, Xiaowei Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Catalytic role of conditioner CaO in nitrogen transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(3), 2759-2766.  
    1.Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Ruxi Xiao, Aijun Li, Yu Qiao, Hong Yao*, Ichiro Naruse. Dual role of conditioner CaO in product distributions and sulfur transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Fuel, 2014, 134: 514-520.
    2.Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Influence of residual moisture on deep dewatered sludge pyrolysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(3), 1253-1261.
    3.Huan Liu, Peng Liu, Hongyun Hu, Qiang Zhang, Zhenyu Wu, Jiakuan Yang, Hong Yao*. Combined effects of Fenton peroxidation and CaO conditioning on sewage sludge thermal drying. Chemosphere, 2014, 117, 559-566.  
    4.Huan Liu, Bei Yuan, Bi Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Aijun Li, Guangqian Luo, Hong Yao*. Removal of mercury from flue gas using sewage sludge-based adsorbents. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 2014, 16, 101-107.  
    1.Huan Liu, Jiakuan Yang*, Nairuo Zhu, Hao Zhang, Ye Li, Shu He, Changzhu Yang, Hong Yao. A comprehensive insight into the combined effects of Fenton’s reagent and skeleton builders on sludge deep dewatering performance. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 258-259, 144-150.  
    2.Huan Liu, Hongyun Hu, Guangqian Luo, Aijun Li, Minghou Xu, Hong Yao*. Enhancement of hydrogen production in steam gasification of sewage sludge by reusing the calcium in lime-conditioned sludge. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(3), 1332-1341.  
    1.Huan Liu, Jiakuan Yang*, Yafei Shi, Ye Li, Shu He, Changzhu Yang, Hong Yao. Conditioning of sewage sludge by Fenton’s reagent combined with skeleton builders. Chemosphere, 2012, 88(2), 235-239.  
    2.Huan Liu, Guangqian Luo, Hongyun Hu, Qiang Zhang, Jiakuan Yang, Hong Yao*. Emission characteristics of nitrogen- and sulfur-containing odorous compounds during different sewage sludge chemical conditioning processes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2012, 235-236, 298-306.  
    1.刘欢,杨家宽*,时亚飞,李野,何姝.不同调理方案下污泥脱水性能评价指标的相关性研究.环境科学, 2011, 32(11), 3394-3399.
    2.刘欢,李亚林,时亚飞,李野,何姝,杨家宽*.无机复合调理剂对污泥脱水性能的影响.环境化学, 2011, 30(11), 1877-1882.

    1.刘欢, 周巧燕,王靓,张秀菊,李海燕,李鉴全,罗茂亮,姚洪. 一种涂层耐腐蚀性能的评价系统及方法, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202310099746.1
    2.刘欢, 金明灏, 胡航, 满高智, 刘金鑫, 陈思懿, 姚洪. 一种污泥组分的分离方法, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202310334792.5
    3.刘欢, 金明灏, 胡航, 满高智, 刘金鑫, 陈思懿, 姚洪. 一种利用污泥制备低灰有机炭的方法, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202310310287.7
    4.刘欢, 赵彦玲, 冀钟, 姚洪, 王翼鹏, 王涛. 一种挥发性有机化合物的吸附催化实验系统, 实用新型专利. 申请号: 202321559250X
    1.刘欢, 许莹莹, 金明灏, 孙志远,郭欣杰, 姚洪. 一种污泥改性固磷及基于焚烧灰酸浸回收磷的方法和系统, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202210833674.4
    2.刘欢, 金明灏, 邓红苹, 肖涵, 汪家兴, 姚洪. 一种污泥有机/无机分离与资源化利用方法及系统, 国家发明专利. 专利号: ZL202110516649.9 已授权
    3.刘欢, 刘金鑫, 曹承阳, 吴家豪, 姚洪.一种基于综合热管理的森林可燃物自供能燃烧小车, 国家发明专利. 专利号:ZL202110513154.0 已授权
    4.刘欢, 邓红苹, 金明灏, 肖涵, 汪家兴, 胡红云, 姚洪. 一种污泥综合处置及磷资源回收的方法及产物, 国家发明专利. 专利号: ZL202110516641.2 已授权
    5.刘欢, 李鉴全, 张秀菊, 李海燕, 陈同舟, 姚洪. 一种锅炉受热面抗冲蚀-腐蚀原位试验系统,实用新型专利. 专利号: ZL202123359625.1 已授权
    6.刘欢, 吴扬威, 易琳琳, 姚洪. 一种减少焦油粘附的方法及其应用, 国家发明专利. 专利号: ZL202110740963.5 已授权
    1.刘欢, 李海燕, 张秀菊, 李鉴全, 陈同舟, 姚洪.一种模拟固体燃料燃烧中多元介质冲蚀-腐蚀的试验装置, 国家发明专利. 申请号: 202111628908.3
    2.刘欢, 李海燕, 陈同舟, 张秀菊, 唐文博, 胡红云, 俞云, 姚洪. 一种耐高温腐蚀合金涂层及其制备方法, 国家发明专利. 专利号:ZL202110622541.8
    3.刘欢, 肖康鑫, 李杨, 汪家兴, 姚洪. 一种有机固体废弃物掺氮水热及活化制备高性能多孔碳材料的方法, 国家发明专利. 专利号:ZL201910629785.1 已授权
    4.刘欢, 肖涵, 金明灏, 刘旺, 李美勇, 肖康鑫, 李扬, 姚洪. 一种餐厨垃圾快速预处理的方法与设备,国家发明专利. 专利号:ZL201910420354.4 已授权

    1.刘欢,王阁义,陈同舟,张秀菊,李海燕,胡红云,姚洪. 一种气固两相高温冲蚀试验装置,实用新型专利. 专利号:ZL201921399831.5 已授权
    2.刘欢,汪家兴,邓红苹,肖涵,金明灏,肖康鑫,李杨,姚洪. 一种基于计算机控制的机械压滤脱水试验装置,国家发明专利. 专利号:ZL201910437466.0 已授权
    3.刘欢,邓红苹,胡红云,李海燕,汪家兴,姚洪.一种污泥水分脱除同时制备固体燃料的方法及产品.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201810107019.4 已授权
    4.刘欢,金明灏,胡红云,李竑毅,汪家兴,姚洪.基于多级热利用的污泥低温干化系统.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201810217212.3 已授权
    1.刘欢,王阁义,陈同舟,张秀菊,李海燕,胡红云,姚洪. 气固两相高温冲蚀试验装置及冲蚀试验方法,国家发明专利. 申请号:201910794808.4
    2.刘欢,易琳琳,王阁义,胡红云,卢更,姚洪.一种生物油在线脱氧提质方法.国家发明专利.专利号:ZL201810309843.8 已授权
    2.刘欢, 汪家兴, 金明灏, 杨宇涵, 胡红云, 姚洪. 基于碳基骨架辅助热水解的污泥衍生燃料制备方法及产品. 国家发明专利. 申请号:201811256039.4
    1.刘欢,张秀菊,姚洪,邢浩轩,付禹,胡红云.一种燃煤过程中抑制碱金属释放的改性添加剂及制备方法.国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 201510989077.0 已授权
    1.刘欢,姚洪,胡红云,张强,刘鹏,罗光前.一种污泥同时制备清洁气体燃料和吸附剂的方法.国家发明专利.专利号: ZL 201310273025.4 已授权


    1.刘欢, 湖北省科技进步一等奖, 2023
    2.刘欢, 王晓墨, 成晓北, 王琳玲, 姚洪. 大学生科研实践与创新能力培养——能源环境类第二课堂学生体验及成效分析, 2022年教育部能源动力类专业教学指导委员会全体会议暨全国能源动力类专业教学改革研讨会优秀论文
    3.刘欢, 广东省技术发明奖一等奖, 2019
    4.刘欢, 优秀教师班主任, 2017
    5.刘欢, 太阳成集团tyc7111cc十大科技新星, 2016
    6.刘欢, 太阳成集团tyc7111cc教师教学竞赛二等奖, 2016
    7.Huan Liu, Qiang Zhang, Hongyun Hu, Peng Liu, Xiaowei Hu, Aijun Li, Hong Yao*. Catalytic role of conditioner CaO in nitrogen transformation during sewage sludge pyrolysis. Distinguished paper for the 35th International Symposium on Combustion(第35届国际燃烧会议“杰出论文奖”), 2015
    8.刘欢, 研究生国家奖学金, 2014
    9.刘欢, 太阳成集团tyc7111cc博士学位论文创新基金, 2013
    10.刘欢, 研究生国家奖学金, 2012
    11.刘欢, 教育部“博士研究生学术新人奖”, 2012
    2.指导本科生团队获得全国大学生节能减排与社会实践科技竞赛二等奖, 2021
    3.指导本科生团队获得全国大学生节能减排与社会实践科技竞赛特等奖, 2020
    4.指导本科生(金明灏)获得太阳成集团tyc7111cc优秀毕业设计(论文)奖, 2020
    5.指导研究生(汪家兴)获得研究生国家奖学金, 2020
    6.指导研究生(肖康鑫)获得研究生国家奖学金, 2019
    7.指导本科生团队获得全国大学生节能减排与社会实践科技竞赛特等奖, 2019
    8.指导本科生团队获得第二届中国可再生能源学会大学生优秀科技作品竞赛一等奖, 2019
    9.指导本科生团队获得2019东元国际创意竞赛人文奖(国际赛前八), 2019
    10.指导本科生团队获得全国大学生节能减排与社会实践科技竞赛三等奖, 2018
    11.指导本科生团队获得新能源创新创业大赛三等奖, 2018
    12.指导研究生(卢更)获得研究生国家奖学金, 2018
    13.指导研究生(张秀菊)获得研究生国家奖学金, 2017
    14.指导本科生(汪家兴)获得太阳成集团tyc7111cc优秀毕业设计(论文)奖, 2016