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当前位置: 首 页 > 师资队伍 > 热能与动力工程系 > 讲师 > 正文
姓 名 涂垚杰 性 别
职 称 讲师 毕业学校 太阳成集团tyc7111cc
邮 箱 tuyaojie@hust.edu.cn
通讯地址 武汉市太阳成集团tyc7111cc动力楼106




    1)    氢氨融合燃料低碳利用
    2)    燃气轮机/工业窑炉先进燃烧与智能监控
    3)    燃烧火焰光学测量与数值诊断
    4)    热工设备的CFD数值仿真(流动、传热及燃烧等过程)


    1)    国家自然科学基金青年项目:《NH3无焰燃烧方式下氧化与热解竞争消耗机制研究》,2020.01-2023.12,主持
    2)    国家科技部重点研发计划子课题:《与可再生能源结合的火力发电灵活性改造与运行控制技术》,2019.12-2023.11,主持
    3)    煤矿瓦斯与火灾防治教育部重点实验室开放课题:《超低浓度瓦斯多孔介质燃烧火焰的不稳定性机理研究》,2021.11-2022.11,主持
    4)    太阳成集团tyc7111cc自主创新基金(NO. 5001120031),2019.06-2022.06,主持
    5)    企业委托项目:《太阳岛系统防凝保温设计技术研究》,2021.12-2022.12,主持
    6)    企业委托项目:《新型香烟烟嘴热疲劳计算分析》,2021.07-2022.07,主持
    7)    企业委托项目:《钢坯感应加热技术研究》,2021.09-2025.09,参与
    8)    企业委托项目:《新型碳质加热材料开发》,2019.05-2021.05,参与
    9)    企业委托项目:《加热炉MILD/MILD富氧燃烧技术及产品开发》,2013.12-2015.05,参与
    10)    新加坡政府自然科学基金《Development of an advanced platform for boilers with high combustion efficiency and low emissions》,2016.04-2020.04,参与


    1.    Wang, Q., Xie, M., Tu, Y.*, Liu, H., Li, W. (2022). Numerical study of fuel-NO formation and reduction in a reversed flow MILD combustion furnace firing ammonia-doped methane. Energy, 252, 124111.
    2.    Tu, Y., Li, J., Chang, D., Hu, B. (2022). Effect of biomass co‐firing position on combustion and NOX emission in a 300‐MWe coal‐fired tangential boiler. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(1), e2734.
    3.    Xu, M., Tu, Y.*, Zeng, G., Yang, W. (2021). Evaluation of ignition process and NOx reduction of coal under moderate and intensive low-oxygen dilution combustion by implementing fuel-rich/lean technology. Fuel, 296, 120657.
    4.    Xu, S., Xie, Y., Huang, P., Ren, H., Tu, Y.*, Liu, H. (2021). Nonpremixed air/oxygen jet burner to improve moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution combustion characteristics in oxygen-enriched conditions. Energy & Fuels, 35(11), 9609-9622.
    5.    Tu, Y.*, Xu, S., Xie, M., Wang, Z., Liu, H. (2021). Numerical simulation of propane MILD combustion in a lab-scale cylindrical furnace. Fuel, 290, 119858.
    6.    Xie, M., Dai, F., Tu, Y.* (2021). A numerical study of accelerated moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion stability for methane in a lab-scale furnace by off-stoichiometric combustion technology. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32, 108-118.
    7.    Xu, S., Tu, Y.*, Huang, P., Luan, C., Wang, Z., Shi, B., Liu, H., Liu, Z. (2020). Effects of wall temperature on methane MILD combustion and heat transfer behaviors with non-preheated air. Applied Thermal Engineering, 174, 115282.
    8.    Tu, Y., Xu, S., Xu, M., Liu, H., Yang, W.* (2020). Numerical study of methane combustion under moderate or intense low-oxygen dilution regime at elevated pressure conditions up to 8 atm. Energy, 197, 117158.
    9.    Luan, C., Xu, S., Shi, B., Tu, Y.*, Liu, H., Li, P., Liu, Z. (2020). Re-recognition of MILD combustion regime by initial conditions of Tin and XO2 for methane in a non-adiabatic well-stirred reactor. Energy & Fuels. 34, 2, 2391-2404.
    10.    Xu, M., Tu, Y.*, Zeng, G., Wang, Q., Zhou, A., Yang, W. (2019). Numerical study of further NOx emission reduction for coal MILD combustion by combining fuel‐rich/lean technology. International Journal of Energy Research, 43(14), 8492-8508.
    11.    Xu, M., Tu, Y.*, Zhou, A., Xu, H., Yu, W., Li, Z., Yang, W.* (2019). Numerical study of HCN and NH3 reduction in a two-stage entrained flow gasifier by implementing MILD combustion. Fuel. 251, 482-495.
    12.    Tu, Y., Xu, M., Zhou D., Wang Q., Yang, W.*, Liu, H.* (2019). CFD and kinetic modelling study of methane MILD combustion in O2/N2, O2/CO2 and O2/H2O atmospheres. Applied Energy. 240, 1003-1013.
    13.    Tu, Y., Zhou, A., Xu, M., Yang, W.*, Siah, K. B., Subbaiah, P. (2017). NOX reduction in a 40 t/h biomass fired grate boiler using internal flue gas recirculation technology. Applied Energy. 220, 962-973.
    14.    Tu, Y., Yang, W.*, Liu, H.* (2017). A Refined Global Reaction Mechanism for Gently Preheated MILD Combustion of Methane. Energy & Fuels, 31(9), 10144-10157.
    15.    Tu, Y., Su, K., Liu, H.*, Wang, Z., Xie, Y., Zheng, C., Li, W. (2017). MILD combustion of natural gas using low preheating temperature air in an industrial furnace. Fuel Processing Technology, 156, 72-81.
    16.    Tu, Y., Liu, H., Yang, W. (2017). Flame characteristics of CH4/H2 on a jet-in-hot-coflow burner diluted by N2, CO2, and H2O. Energy & Fuels, 31(3), 3270-3280.
    1)    发明专利:
    1.    《富氧无焰燃气燃烧器及其控制方法》,发明专利,专利号: CN104266190A
    2.    《分级富氧无焰燃烧燃气烧嘴及其控制方法》,发明专利,专利号:CN104235849A
    3.    《一种可实现纯氨高效清洁燃烧的燃烧装置及其控制方法》,发明专利,专利号:CN113294801B
    4.    《一种实现高效余热回收和低氮排放的热电联产系统及方法》,发明专利,专利号:CN111120980B
    5.    《一种紧凑式直流无焰低氮燃烧装置及其控制方法》,发明专利,申请号:202210373863.8
